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Tuesday, June 23, 2020


  Space Roar:
  True Vacuum can’t and doesn’t exist (according to observer effect, wave nature of matter etc.).  Space-time realm or medium (ether) and matter are entangled and inclusive with each other. Just like matter can't exist without space-time, space-time can't exist without some portion of matter. That is why; anywhere in this universe matter and energy exist. Matter and energy together produces vibration. So even in so called vacuum, vibration exists. Thus, we can say that the whole universe is connected with vibration or ‘vibrating strings’ (string theory). Universal vibration or sound exists as ‘Space Roar’. 

  Space-travel and time-travel:
    They aren’t two different things. Speed determines the difference. When speed is slow, we usually call it space-travel. It experiences like travelling from one space co-ordinate to another one, irrespective of how much time is spent. When speed is fast (specially if it is close to the speed of light), we take account of mainly time measurement or co-ordinates, not the space co-ordinates. Focusing in space-travel with space co-ordinates is done from more of an objective viewpoint, where experiencing time-travel with one's own time is rather subjective. 

  Conclusion: Space, Time and Speed-
    Taking account of the above hypothesis, it can be said that time happens before the emergence of space. Time along with velocity or speed create the basis of space, as it is the basic classical physics formula that ' time multiplied by velocity is equal to displacement '.


                 "Water remembers"..- Water remembers heat. The specific heat of water is greatest among all earthly or universal materials. In the same way, water can remember energy, vibe, frequency and 'thoughts'. Maybe that's why, water is essential for 'life'.

Monday, June 22, 2020


Naruto's wind style rasen-shuriken is massive power (momentum). Whereas Sasuke's amaterasu arrow is absolute precision (position). When they work together, we get the ultimate result(measurement). ( well, here they are much like Krishna and Arjuna in Mahabharata?) Basically, two observers are needed who are  working together with absolute devotion towards each other (Einstein's view towards uncertainty).

Saturday, June 20, 2020


So, after catching earth's vibration or rotation through our two feet, the superposition of those two vibration becomes our own vibration or rotation at our hip area. But, if we are sitting (let's say in meditating posture), then we catch earth's vibration mainly through our buttocks and thighs to our hip area. There at our hip, thus the first and lowest chakra which is said to be our energy source, is created. Am I right?
So, inside our hip area where our spine starts, lies the first chakra or energy channeling point. A good meditator in meditating posture will use this chakra to channel his/her energy or vibration through the spine straight above. Now our spine ends at our neck. So all the channeled energy will gather above our neck, in our head area. This gathered energy will keep circulating inside our head portion. The meditator will gain some knowledge about the planet he lives in and about life. But too much uncontrollable energy or gathered info and knowledge might be dangerous for the little head that we humans have. So what to do next?
To do something about the vibration or energy gathered in the upper body, we need the help of our lower body. Guess what, a 'duality' needs to happen between the upper and lower body. And the need of other chakras rises right here at this point.
The lower body needs to support the upper body until it can figure out what the hell to do with these energy and vibrations. (what to do with life)

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


‘Zero’ means nothingness. By Zero-Point meditation, we meant to say a meditative state through which someone is trying to acknowledge or achieve ‘nothingness’. Let us say that someone in a pure meditating state is trying to imagine ‘absolute nothingness’. But that nothingness is continuously getting effected by the person who is trying to imagine or achieve it. So basically, there is never total nothingness.

Technically, the purpose of doing zero-point meditation can never be fulfilled as ‘nothingness’ can’t be achieved. If that is true, then what is point of doing it? The actual purpose is - getting as close as possible to that ‘nothingness’. Getting closer to that core of ‘us’, the minimum thing that we need to operate or live a life. By doing these, we get rid of maximum delusion or ‘MAYA’s and we achieve maximum clarity about everything in life. When you can't see things clear in life in conscious way, then zero meditation is maybe the only alternative path.

Quantum fluctuation in physics is a phenomenon where virtual particles pop up out of nowhere in so called ‘empty’ space. This is similar to the above mentioned – ‘nothingness getting effected by the observer’ statement which is the best example of 'Observer Effect'. So, there can’t be true emptiness or vacuum anywhere in this universe. The whole realm of space-time is linked together with energy and matter.