‘Zero’ means nothingness. By Zero-Point meditation, we meant
to say a meditative state through which someone is trying to acknowledge or
achieve ‘nothingness’. Let us say that someone in a pure meditating state is
trying to imagine ‘absolute nothingness’. But that nothingness is continuously
getting effected by the person who is trying to imagine or achieve it. So
basically, there is never total nothingness.
Technically, the purpose of doing zero-point meditation can
never be fulfilled as ‘nothingness’ can’t be achieved. If that is true, then
what is point of doing it? The actual purpose is - getting as close as possible
to that ‘nothingness’. Getting closer to that core of ‘us’, the minimum thing
that we need to operate or live a life. By doing these, we get rid of maximum
delusion or ‘MAYA’s and we achieve maximum clarity about everything in life.
When you can't see things clear in life in conscious way, then zero meditation
is maybe the only alternative path.
Quantum fluctuation in physics is a phenomenon where virtual
particles pop up out of nowhere in so called ‘empty’ space. This is similar to
the above mentioned – ‘nothingness getting effected by the observer’ statement
which is the best example of 'Observer Effect'. So, there can’t be true
emptiness or vacuum anywhere in this universe. The whole realm of space-time is
linked together with energy and matter.
Nice Concept.