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Friday, December 6, 2019


      Quantum physics tells us that nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. This means the universe reshapes itself according to one’s view on it. Here the duality between one person and the universe excluding himself/herself is working. Everyone or it should be said that every consciousness is creating their own universe. A simple example is that ,from the moment we were born, this universe represents itself to each of us in different forms. Then it gets expanded and evaluated according to our gaining experiences. This implies many things. First is…

Consciousness :
      Every person in this world matters. Nobody is born for nothing. Everyone has something to do as long as he/she has consciousness. Also it indicates that other life forms matter which are animals, birds, insects and even trees as they all have consciousness. One, who is able to acknowledge his own consciousness, can acknowledge others’ too. Every wish matters, every moment matters. Nobody owns your life. Your consciousness belongs only to you.

Karma :
     At a moment, before wishing something, we start with imagining things through our subconscious mind. That is the start of the interaction between one person and the external universe. Then this interaction creates the path to realize our wishes. This is the flow of our ‘KARMA’. Karma creates it’s own path and starts from something on which we mostly have no control. That’s why, we should trust on our deepest inner desire. Feel your own karma and follow it. Nobody is supposed to do anything in which their heart doesn’t respond. Because our path is created only by us through interacting with outside world. Respond only to those things in which you feel love. Don’t think too much. Don’t worry too much. Because creating unnecessary karma will hurt and break you eventually. Always look for the minimum that makes you satisfied and complete. Focus your everything on it.

Solitude :
     This phenomenon also implies that nobody is truly alone in this world. We always interact with something and make a change. There is always something or someone we can love or care about. And reversely there will always be someone who will love or care for you.

Hope :

At a moment, no matter how miserable your life becomes, you can always do something with it. Another thing we get from it is that everything is possible. Because, even that ‘everything’ is also perceived and limited by one’s own senses. Every living being has the potential to change the course of this world, and we all should participate in it. Otherwise there is no point of existence. But make sure you do it with love.

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