A black hole is the
Big Bang! Big Bang happens inside a black hole. The graphical representation of
Something towards which everything converges, and something from which
everything diverges (Hawkins Radiation) , is the black hole. Destruction of the
old universe and creation of the new one.
Now, what will happen if two black hole approach each other?
To know the answer, we first need to know what can make two
black holes approach each other? A third entity which is more powerful than the
two black holes?
Now I'm having a doubt that the universe is expanding at
physicists till now couldn't explain what is gravity. So it
is obvious they can't understand something which possess huge gravity which is
a black hole. If anybody understands one of this two things, they can explain
the other.
Singularity : At the center of a black hole, time is supposed to stop theoretically. But, neither you can pinpoint the exact center of a black hole, nor the zeroness of time. Everything has quantum nature.
White Hole: white hole doesn't exist. Light itself is a component of which we are trying to say a white hole( Hawking Radiation). "Let there be light"