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Saturday, August 8, 2020


 Movie: A Beautiful Mind

Quote(formula in governing dynamics): "The best result comes when everyone in a group is doing what is best for themselves and the group" - John Nash
The best result comes when each person is contributing what is best for themselves and the persons of the whole group or system. So for the best result of a particular work, at first the acknowledgement of the system and it's constituent contributors are necessary. If the system is the whole world, you need to consider everyone and everything in it. If a system consists of only you, then you to work on only yourself. See, every system(from maximum to minimum scope) has a common constituent part. That is 'you', who is perceiving the system itself. The idea of a system starts from that person. Then it gets bigger ,having it's center fixed in that person. This implies, nobody can do for others without doing for themselves first. Nobody can help others without helping themselves in the first place.

Movie: Enter the Dragon
Quote: "When the opponent expands, I contract. When he contract, I expand. And when the opportunity presents itself, I do not hit. It hits all by itself." - Bruce Lee
When the situation is hard, become soft. When the situation is soft, you become hard just like a conjugate part. Only then you can see through everything.

Movie: Endgame.
Quote: "If I tell you what's gonna happen, then it's never gonna happen." - Doctor Strange
Detachment from work will get you to nowhere. We need to be connected to our actions and keep contributing to it to get our desired result. Visions are good, but it is meant to be put in our actions in each moment. Certainty of future becomes valid, when you work on it and make it happen. Only thinking makes the picture incomplete and ultimately destroys it.

Movie: Doctor Strange
Quote: "It's not about you" - the ancient one.
It's never about only you. Is it?

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