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Friday, August 7, 2020



   As humans we always wanted to conquer and rule over everything, without understanding the fact that we are just a part of everything. It is an example of blindness and ignorance. How can we rule over something with which we are connected and of which we are part of? We can interact with it, contribute to it, and acknowledge it. If nature is our mother, then should we rule over her or just be with her and love her? We never really cared about the interconnection between us and everything else. We created boundaries and walls between everything, living in our contracted thinking on a comfy couch, pathetic human nature. If this goes on, human destruction along with everything else is inevitable.

  We harmed nature through rainforest depletion, wildlife killing not because of need, but because of greed. We created innumerable amount of plastic waste by not caring about the consequences. Harmful chemicals, poisons have spread into lands, water, air, foods and in living bodies. But we don't care. We are good in our bed. We keep thinking ourselves as superior than everything else. Now see where it has led us.

  First of all we need to change our viewpoints. What goes around comes around. If you spread trash, you have to live in that trash someday. We have to acknowledge each and every constituent part of nature. Then as a part of nature we have to place ourselves in it in a suitable way such that the biological cycle of ecosystem never gets broken.

  For placing ourselves suitably in environment, we have to get to know of everything that we use in our daily life. We should know how they are produced and if it has any harmful effect on us or on environment. We should use things producing minimum waste and also reuse, recycle it if possible. Then we have to give the remaining waste to nature in such a way that it flows in the ecosystem perfectly.

  We need to reject unnecessary things which we use just to show off, like fancy products as costly wooden furniture (it is the main reason why rainforests are destroyed), most fashion ingredients and much more which we can find if we try. Reject all those things which are used only for pleasing others, not serving them. Live simple and natural instead of being artificial all the time. Nature is the visible form of god. Serve her.

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