What is positivity? Wishing something, getting it done, feeling the love? So it is basically interacting and shaping the world according to your own desire. Maybe it is. In ‘Veda’, positivity is defined as ‘ordered’ state. Then negativity will be a state full of disorders. But it is ordered respect to what? It is based on one’s own or everyone’s views. Ever have heard the term ‘entropy’ in physics? It is a measurement of disorder. And it is thoroughly related here.
Ordered means connected, linked, focused. The more we can connect ourself to this universe, the more ordered or positive we become. That’s why education is important. Because it connects everything. This universe becomes more beautiful and lovable when we can acknowledge it through interconnection.
It works in our feelings too. The more concentrated, connected and focused our feelings are, the more truth it possess. You know when true love happens? When everything around you gets linked, connected and converges into one point in something or someone, when finally all kind of confusion gets over in an instant, all kind action-reaction will be within just you and that person or thing, then.
But how can we connect and concentrate our feelings or thinkings? By analyzing every bit of us, like becoming aware of everything about ourselves. How we responded to anything in the past, how we are doing anything in the present and how we are going to do it in future, connecting past, present and future in a single moment. Everything that we did and everything that happened to us, all those working forces (karma) inside us need to be linked somehow. It can mostly be done through meditating works. Only then we can see ourselves clearly,
Then comes linking yourself to other things like being in a surroundings. Choose your surroundings where you can fit in perfectly. Here the simplest form of surrounding is – things, persons and works which you encounter in your daily life. Connecting to other things rather than yourself is a bit different. Because true connection happens when both side extend their hands. Otherwise it is just a forced, pressurized thing. It only creates disorder. Try to be someone what people need you to be instead of what they want you to be. That will be a both sided approach. It’s like being a conjugate part (defined in mathematics) of your surroundings. In that way everything gets connected and becomes ‘one’. Choosing a good surrounding will always make you calm and loved.
You can always do something good with your life, because you can always create something ordered from some disordered state, turning negativity into positivity. As it is said, “negativity is only the absence of positivity.” (Actually those two terms are just relative) Throughout evolution, life is already doing it. Because one species evolved into another, becoming more ordered. So, although the entropy of physical universe is increasing, the entropy of life is actually decreasing. It is the real proof of positivity.
As you can see, love, inner and outer connection, truth, positivity, they are all same thing. Whereas hatred, rage, revengefulness, manipulation are examples of disorder. Don’t be a source of disorder. Never lose yourself and give up. Acceptance, forgiveness and letting go of things that disturbs you, will allow you to find yourself and fit with nature perfectly.
In Veda, birth is described as a full positive incident where the value of entropy is zero, while death is a full negative incident having entropy value one. These birth and death concept can be both biological ,ideological and in many other forms. One day our existence will fade away, we will be in full disordered state that is death. But we give birth to children. Also we create new things and ideas. So basically, positivity is a thing that flows from place to place and generation to generations. But it doesn’t mean that we can create more positive things by giving innumerable births. LMAO. It always depends on the surroundings. We can always fix something which are already broken. Love can heal anything and cure any kind of disorder. That’s how it is also a form of birth. By loving someone, we can cure that person as well as ourselves.